Saturday, January 31, 2009


Saturday Prayer Needs KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

Getting ready to get into the radio ranch to run the board for all our Saturday morning programs. Bobby Jones is on vacation and your's truly, being the old dog he is, is trying to learn new things! Please pray for Bobby and his wife that they are having a very blessed time together!

Those who pray keep alive the watch fires of faith.......

Let us come together and pray..........After you pray for our those in need please read what Max Lucado has to say about prayer........


We need more prayers for Gail. She is back in the hospital with a temp. and dehydration. Very frail and not of positive=2 0emotions. Please pass this on.
I just came from one of my accounts where I do business with these wonderful people who were the first to help me in my business. Bob Wash is a picture framer at the store and loved by everyone he comes in contact with. Tammy (the owner) and Ari, told me Bob has pancreatic cancer and is in very bad shape.
No treatment for him as he also has an aneurysm right next to the tumor on his pancreas which is right next to his heart. He has lost 30 lbs and is not in good shape at all. I am so overwhelmed with grief for these wonderful people. I will leave it to our Dear Lord's hand's and pray for peace and comfort.
Thank you Dewey. Also Ari's grandmother has congestive heart failure at 89 and in severe pain. These wonderful people need our Lord's comfort and prayers.
Thank you all, and God Bless.

Please keep Gail, Bob, and Ari's Grandmother in your prayers....and Nicole, she is such a wonderful Angel of God.

Please pray for Ivette Flores of Albuquerque as she prepares for surgery. She is so thankful for your prayers.

Talked to Bobby Box yesterday afternoon. The MRI results on Reneesha's liver were good. The Doctor's are still trying to figure out why her liver levels are so high. Reneesha is feeling good!!! PRAISE GOD!

This from Congressman/Pastor Bill Redmond........

Vote on same sex marriage has been moved to this Monday, February 2, 2:00 Room 321. Keep up the prayers. Keep up the phone calls to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee 505-986-4300. Start calling at 11:00 on Monday. Speak the truth in love. We want to win persons not arguments.

Bill also sent this reading from Henry Hyde.........


By Congressman Henry Hyde:

"When the time comes as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the final judgment, I’ve often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advocates, you are there alone standing before God and a terror will rip through your soul like nothing you can imagine. But I really think that those in the pro-life movement will not be alone. I think there will be a chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world and they will plead for everyone who has been in this movement. They will say to God , “Spare him because he loved us,” and God will look at you and say not, “Did you succeed?” but “Did you try?"


I really enjoyed your cup this AM. I have a son in college who is not quite a Jesus Freak yet, but he isn't running in the other direction either, PTL. Anyway, I love to find interesting things to send to him and have just forwarded the cup with Curt Warner stories. Sure wish the main stream media would share such wonderful stories with their broad audience, but BRAVO to you for sharing it with those in your KKIM family and audience. U RAWK!!!


By the way you can hear Shona this morning at 7:30 on KKIM and Karen Rowe at 7:45 and Dr. Deb at 8:05!

Shalom Dewey,
Messianic Jews and Believers were in the Senate Gallery in Prayer Shawls on Wednesday and stand ready to go to Santa Fe at a moment’s notice too!
Bless G-d for the strong unity of Believers!
Shalom Uvracha (peace and blessing),
Chris Tomlin

And now let's hear the wisdom of Max Lucado..............

by Max Lucado

Those who pray keep alive the watch fires of faith. For the most part we don’t even know their names. Such is the case of someone who prayed on a day long ago. His name is not important. He is important not because of who he was, but because of what he did.
He went to Jesus on behalf of a friend. His friend was sick, and Jesus could help, and someone needed to go to Jesus, so someone went. Others cared for the sick man in other ways. Some brought food; others provided treatment; still others comforted the family. Each role was crucial. Each person was helpful, but no one was more vital than the one who went to Jesus.
John writes: “So Mary and Martha sent someone to tell Jesus, ‘Lord, the one you love is sick’” (John 11:3, emphasis mine).
Someone carried the request. Someone walked the trail. Someone went to Jesus on behalf of Lazarus. And because someone went, Jesus responded.
In the economy of heaven, the prayers of saints are a valued commodity. John the apostle would agree. He wrote the story of Lazarus and was careful to show the sequence: The healing began when the request was made.
The phrase the friend of Lazarus used is worth noting. When he told Jesus of the illness, he said, “The one you love is sick.” The power of the prayer, in other words, does not depend on the one who makes the prayer but on20 the one who hears the prayer.
We can and must repeat the phrase in manifold ways. “The one you love is tired, sad, hungry, lonely, fearful, depressed.” The words of the prayer vary, but the response never changes. The Savior hears the prayer. He silences heaven so he won’t miss a word. The Master heard the request. Jesus stopped whatever he was doing and took note of the man’s words. This anonymous courier was heard by God.
John’s message is critical. You can talk to God because God listens. Your voice matters in heaven. He takes you very seriously. When you enter his presence, the attendants turn to you to hear your voice. No need to fear that you will be ignored. Even if you stammer or stumble, even if what you have to say impresses no one, it impresses God—and he listens.
Intently. Carefully. The prayers are honored as precious jewels. Purified and empowered, the words rise in a delightful fragrance to our Lord. “The smoke from the incense went up from the angel’s hand to God” (Rev. 8:4). Incredible. Your words do not stop until they reach the very throne of God.
One call and heaven’s fleet appears. Your prayer on earth activates God’s power in heaven.
You are the someone of God’s kingdom. Your prayers move God to change the world. You may not understand the mystery of prayer. You don’t need to. But this much is clear: Actions in heaven begin when someone prays on earth. What an amazing thought!
When you speak, Jesus hears.
And when Jesus hears, the world is changed.
All because someone prayed.
Thank you my friends for being part of the KKIM prayer family!
"With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible." Mark 10:27
Please do not forget to go to and check out the Weekend to Remember Marriage Conference coming Fen 13th thru the 15th
In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

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