Tuesday, February 24, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

Don't worry I washed the cups!

Daughter Gretchen turned 22 yesterday and Pop's was sick! SORRY! It was such a happy day when she was born!!!! WOW! It was a great year....Gretchen's birth, starting to work for my mentor in Christian radio, Ed Moore, and the Twins winning the World Series!!! HOLY COW!!! Happy Birthday PIE!!!! She is 22, can I still call her that? PRAISE GOD for Gretchen and for all she does for others!

I have been down in bed for 2 days.......No Fun! Sharon thought at first it was the flu, but I have been in such good health and was doing so well Saturday and worked out with the Dogs and everything.........went to lunch..........my hamburger was sent back to the kitchen, Got sick later. I am still wishy, washy this morning, but enough of being in bed! Wow! How lousy has TV become........no wonder we are in the shape we are in! I scanned that dial and I could not believe the awful stuff.....even what is to be kid's channel. TV Land, where I watch Andy Griffith, Gunsmoke and Bonanza now has bad stuff. What you watch, you become, what you read you become, who you hang around with you become! So I dug out some DVD's like "Facing the Giants" and watched them.

In scanning the TV channels.......it seems to me many have harden their hearts to the Lord. I saw the news clips on TV about the Oscars...I had never heard of the Movies, such weird titles!

I have been saying for months that hearts need to be changed before things change and the United States of America goes back to God. We can yell all we want but we have to work at changing hearts. We need to pray for those with harden hearts and be good witnesses. We have to always tell the truth, even if it hurts. That is not being mean, many think that speaking the truth is mean.........no the TRUTH must be told. Many believers seem afraid to tell the truth or be told the truth! What do I mean by that? Well, Many believers do not want to speak up about the truth because they are afraid that they will hurt someone or be labeled a crazy Christian or something, and some believers do not want to believe the Bible wholeheartedly because it would change their own belief system.

For the longest time I did not want to hear about my weaknesses......well.let's just say I am not in a hurry now to hear them.Ha!
But through my relationship with Jesus Christ I can face up to them better. My dad used to say, "Clean up your own back yard first!" That is what many Christians need to do before they attempt to clean the other's house!

Dad also used to say, "Sometimes the TRUTH hurts!" Yes it does, doesn't it! But we must face the truth from our friends, foes, most importantly from God and HIS word! We also cannot be afraid to tell the TRUTH or skip around the TRUTH like same sex marriage! Let me end this sermon with this letter from Jonathan....it fit's in nicely........

Bro. Dewey,

Blessings from the Most High to you and your family. Thank you for allowing me on NM News and Views, last Monday. It was a delight and a blessing for sure! The time to blow the Shofar and call YHWH's people to turn to Him is now. Some have heard and heeded the call. I consider myself a natsarim(watchman) on the wall and consider you and KKIM the same. Continue on for Him.

Until He Comes,
J Olivas

Yes Jonathan we must all be Watchman and tell the TRUTH! The world is full of NOTHING NOISE!

I got this email yesterday.....

Good morning Dewey,

Please keep Susan in your prayers. Susan works here in Corporate and her husband died yesterday morning. He had been diagnosed with Cancer awhile back and last week the doctor gave him 1 – ½ years to live. Unfortunately his heart gave up on him.

Susan really needs lots of prayers right now.

Thanks so much Dewey…. Have a blessed and Jesus filled day





Please keep Susan in your prayers. By the way for those of you who do not no American General media owns KKIM.

Thinking of Susan and her husband made me think, what would you do if a loved one suddenly died?

What would you do?

Have you asked for forgiveness?

Do not let that person pass on without you asking for forgiveness.

This prayer need...........

Hello all, I wanted to as you to pray for one of our fellow warriors in Houston, TX. Jonathan is facing some serious medical issues. I just received an email from him that he will have one of his legs removed from about the knee. I did speak to him and his spirits are up and high and he is fighting his fight. Please pray for him. Thanks

Dave Standridge

An update from Pastor Vic Tafoya..........

Judges sentences pastor - a 'decent' pro-lifer
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 2/20/2009 11:30:00 AM

California pro-life counselor and pastor Walter Hoye has received a jail term for peaceful work outside an abortion clinic to try to save the lives of unborn babies.

Hoye was found guilty of violating a local ordinance that dictates that he must stay at least eight feet away from anyone entering the clinic. He was found guilty, even though video demonstrated that he did not violate the law. Dana Cody of Life Legal Defense Foundation says Hoye was ordered to jail for 30 days, fined $1,130, and placed on probation for three years.

"That meant Walter had to accept the terms of the probation, which was stay away from the clinic -- and Walter refused to accept that term because he doesn't think his free-speech rights should be impinged for three years," the attorney explains.

Cody tells OneNewsNow that several witnesses testified to the pastor's character, and the judge read through a stack of letters praising Hoye. "The judge said publicly 'I think that Walter is a decent man, and based on these letters I have a very high opinion of him. But this law exists and it must be followed.'"

Hoye next appears before the judge in March. Cody is challenging the ordinance in federal court.

We have a praise note.........

Hi Dewey,

I wanted to give you an update on Gail. She had gone back into the hospital 2 weeks ago and was there being treated for an infection in her intestines. She is out and PRAISE THE LORD is like herself again.
She is getting stronger to get ready for a long session of Chemo. I took her some pasta the other day and she ate it in front me and I told her she was a good girl.
This is a huge THANK YOU to all who have prayed for her and continue to do so. I am so thankful to you and your family's. Thanks to Sam, I have something to look forward to on a daily basis. Through you and your Daily Cup.
God Bless you and your Family Dewey, you are truly Angels

Nicole, you write the most lovely letters! I look forward to hearing you and the updates on Gail. PRAISE GOD! please keep praying for Gail.

Now let me share this with you on prayer and our walk with Jesus Christ.........

True prayer is making known our requests to God, according to HIS will, with faith in HIS love, and the realization of our own dependency upon HIM in our hearts. (Phil. 4:6; Jn 5:14; 1 K. 8:47,52) That is for you SAM! (and all of you)as I know you love to look up the scriptures!

God first works true prayer in humble hearts by pouring upon them the "Spirit of grace and supplication" (Zech. 12:10). The Holy Spirit then reveals what is to be prayed for and leads in the manner of prayer. All true prayer is by the teaching of the Spirit of God. (Ro. 8:26).

Okay folks listen up to this:

When I speak of "making our requests known to God," I do not mean we vainly inform God, or try to move HIM according to our own ideas. Rather, we move ourselves to God and make our hearts believe that God will perform that which HE has revealed, promised, and purposed, either from Scripture or through HIS communion with us. David found in his heart to pray to establish the temple because God had revealed to David that (his son) would build the Lord's house. (2 Sam. 7:12-13)

To wrap this up.........

Just as we learn the manners of our friends and increase in affection toward them by conversing with them, so by conversing with God do we learn the manners of heaven and feel an increase of love, both in us toward God, and of HIS love toward us. In this respect, prayer has a double good in it.

From John Robinson 1576-1625 who was a Pilgrim Pastor who discipled the band of believers that boarded the Mayflower in 1620.

Okay....now I think Shelly from Indiana had good timing in sending this FUNNY BONE IN!!! I was in Indiana, as many of you know in Jan. I do not think I could ever move back there..it was 45 BELOW wind chill and snow over the top of cars.....AND IT IS STILL SNOWING THERE!!!! It is snowing so much that I have not heard from Bob Dawson since it started!

One winter's morning a husband and wife in northern Indiana were listening to the radio during breakfast.

They heard the announcer Say, 'We are going to have 8 to 10 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the even-numbered side of the street, so the Snowplows can get through.' So the good wife went out and moved her car.

A week later while they are eating breakfast again, the radio announcer said, 'We are expecting 10 to 12 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the odd-numbered side of the street, so the snowplows can get through.' The good wife went out and moved her car again.

The next week they are again having breakfast, when the radio announcer says, 'We are expecting 12 to 14 inches of snow today. You
must park....' Then the electric power went out.

The good wife was very upset, and with a worried look on her face she said, 'Honey, I don't know what to do. Which side of the street do I
need to park on so the snowplows can get through?'

With the love and understanding in his voice that all men who are married to blondes exhibit, the husband replied, 'Why don't you just
leave it in the garage this time

Let's check the mailbag.............

This from Pastor/Congressman Bill Redmond.........

SB12 - Same Sex Marriage bill will be voted on this Wednesday 2/25. It will be heard in the Senate Gallery. The doors will be open at 10:00am and as soon as the gallery is filled the door will be closed off. They will allow only one row for standing so we need to get there when the doors open.

If you cannot make it please call the below Senators and make your voice heard. Call today(Tuesday) and Wednesday.

Focus on calling the names below, do not waste time calling the other senators: Have everyone in your family call twice. Make sure your pastor is doing the same and sending this list to ALL church members. We just found 3 pastors in Rio Rancho on Friday who just found out this was coming down! Do not assume your pastor and church knows what you know.

Governor Richardson 505-476-2200
Lt. Governor Diane Denish 1-800-432-4406 or 505-476-2250

Sen. Pete Compos 505-986-4311
Sen. Lynda Lovejoy 505-986-4310
Sen. Carlos Cisneros 505-986-4362
Sen. John Sapien 505-986-4371
Sen. John Pinto 505-986-4835


This is Liz Torres, I just wanted to let you know I dropped off clothes at the station this morning. There was no one there from KKIM but someone answered the door and put the clothes out side of your station area.

Thank you,
Liz Torres

Thank you for answering the call of need fore those who lost their house to the fire and most of their personal belongings! God Bless you Liz, this is what walking with Jesus is all about! If you can give contact me.

Good Morning Dewey,
Its been awhile, I have enjoyed reading your emails. I am now on leave from my work until April 22, 2009. I will go back to Springer at that time, sign out and officially retire.
Maybe we can get together soon for lunch.
Take care and God Bless.

Captain Ethan D. Carr
Chief of Security
Springer Correctional Center
Always good to hear from you Captain!

This is my wife's most recent email address...make sure she receives 'cup', okay!

Gary Washington

Acura-Subaru Client Manager

PRAISE GOD!!! That is what I like to see, others adding spouses and friends to the Cup!!!! By the way we will continue our marriage Cup's this week......

This from KKIM's Frank Haley.........

What a great Quote!

The late Dr. Adrian Rogers (1931 to 2005) Memphis, TN, offered the
following observation several years ago and it bears great Significance

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the rich out of
freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must
work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything
the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the
people get the idea that they do not have to work because the the other
half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea
that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what
they work for, that my dear friend is about the end of any nation."
"You cannot multiply the wealth by dividing it."

Frank (The Old Texan) Haley cjf Isa. 9:6

"When the sunshine of God's love meets the showers of our sorrow, the rainbow of promise appears."

Hi Dewey,

So how was Nashville? Did you and Larry have a good time staying out late and eating ribs? Did you learn anything of interest? Bring back any new programs for KKIM? I've always wanted to go to the NRB at least once just to hear all the great speakers and see what it's all about. I'm glad you were able to get away from KKIM so you could go. I'm looking forward to hearing about it someday when you have time.

I ran into Frank the other day at a breakfast put on by John Moore. I can't tell you how happy I am that he is still with the station. I hope with everything going on that you can continue to keep him, he is such an asset to KKIM's ministry. By the way, are you still speaking these days about KKIM? It's been a while since I saw you on TV or in a church talking about Christian radio. Anything on the docket for the near future?

Hopefully you're not having to work overtime too much. KKIM is a great ministry but a poor master. And you know how I feel about all those extra hours you have to put in. Some overtime is to be expected but not consistent, habitual over and beyond the call of duty, overtime. Even General Managers of Radio Stations need a life too! (Just ask Sharon if you don't believe me!)

Anyway I just wanted to touch bases and say hi. I hope you are catching up with your work load from your absence to go to the NRB and that things are going well. I'll catch up with you later. Ciao for now!


Here is Max...........

Deliver Us from the Evil One
by Max Lucado

The next-to-last phrase in the Lord’s prayer is a petition for protection from Satan: “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

Is such a prayer necessary? Would God ever lead us into temptation? James 1:13 says, “When people are tempted they should not say, ‘God is tempting me.’ Evil cannot tempt God, and God himself does not tempt anyone.” If God does not tempt us, then why pray, “Lead us not into temptation”? These words trouble the most sophisticated theologian.

But they don’t trouble a child. And this is a prayer for the child-like heart. This is a prayer for those who look upon God as their Abba. This is a prayer for those who have already talked to their Father about provision for today (“Give us our daily bread.”) and pardon for yesterday (“Forgive us our debts.”). Now the child needs assurance about protection for tomorrow.

The phrase is best understood with a simple illustration. Imagine a father and son walking down an icy street. The father cautions the boy to be careful, but the boy is too excited to slow down. He hits the first patch of ice. Up go the feet and down plops the bottom. Dad comes along and helps him to his feet. The boy apologizes for disregarding the warning and then, tightly holding his father’s big hand, he asks, “Keep me from the slippery spots. Don’t let me fall again.”

The Father is so willing to comply. “The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand” (Ps. 37:23–24 TLB). Such is the heart of this petition. It’s a tender request of a child to a father. The last few slips have taught us—the walk is too treacherous to make alone. So we place our small hand in his large one and say, “Please, Abba, keep me from evil.”

That's more than a FULL CUP to share with you all today!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family!



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