Thursday, March 5, 2009


Praise and Prayers


Wanted to pass on the gratitude and thank you's from Gail. She called me last night to get my Mom and Sister's addresses. She said there were so many people that she didn't even know who sent their prayers and thoughts to her through a card etc. What she didn't know, was about you and your following. The thousands of people throughout the world who read and pray. This is a THANK YOU from Gail as well as myself. She starts chemo next week and bought two brand new wigs. She is excited to be able to wear these different wigs, after losing her hair.She has such Faith. Thank you Jesus.
God Bless all of you,

Thanks Nicole, you are so faithful in your updates. Let us continue to be faithful in our prayers and praise!

Let us pray for Shane...........

Dewey, please add Shane to your prayer list.

He was admitted last Monday evening after getting results from a liver biop to Dallas Baylor. He was going into liver rejection. It has been four years since his transplant and has done so well with it. They say when it has been this long it is very difficult to treat. He was on steroids for five or six days. They were being rejected. They did another biop this a.m. or putting in a pick this afternoon. We will get the results of the biop mid-afternoon.

Some liver counts have dropped some and others have increased. It looks now like they will be putting him on another medication for the rejection. It has some pretty bad side effects, but then he has had some of the same in the beginning four years ago. As Mother always said "we Hamil women are survivors"-she always said also "she was a tough old bird"-well, Shane is, too.

I know he is in God's wonderful loving hands-doesn't keep his Mama from worrying and hurting, too. Your Mom always said she would give things to the Lord to take care of, then take them back and worry some more-I do, too, but is that not normal?

He has wonderful doctors and good care at Dallas Baylor.

Much love-Pat O.

We are praying for Shane, that he be healed. Please keep us posted Pat.

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