Tuesday, May 5, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

Let us please hold up Diana Vendresca and her son Zach Marchiodo. Diane is in Albuquerque and unable to be with her son Zach at a time when he is in the hospital in Las Vegas, NV. Zach is dizzy all the time with a very bad headache. Doctor's at this time cannot find the cause. Let us pray for the cause to be found and healing to begin and comfort for Diana. Diana had to return to work in Albuquerque.

I am contacting one of our friends here at KKIIM and the Cup to go visit Zach. Please pray.

Let is begin praying.

Also let us pray for the family in Florida, where the father killed his wife and two children, and then himself. The oldest, 13 only escaped because his Dad tripped on a bike and he was able to get away. There are a record amount of murder-suicides taking place in this country.

Please also pray for our friend whose grand-daughter may have been sexually abused by her Dad.

My head is spinning with family turning against family.

As my Grandma used to say...news like this will send one to an early grave. It just breaks my heart.

Let us Prayer Warriors go to work and talk to the only answer, our Almighty God!

Hebrews 4:16 says,

"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

Even hearts numb with pain or sorrow can go to God with confidence, assured of His grace and readiness to receive us just as we are, His dearly loved children.

We can let Jesus and the Holy Spirit intercede for us. When children can't express themselves because they are tired, ill, or overwhelmed, a loving parent doesn't take offense and turn away. The Mom or Dad stays near, anticipating and caring for any need until full communication is restored. Not only does the Spirit do our "praying in and for us," but Jesus "is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us" Ro. 8:34. Prayer continues, even when we can't.

What is on my heart is that we all need to be good witnesses for the Lord and help bring others to Christ. We need to encourage each other...we need to care for each other and pray for each other.

YOU.......YES.............YOU!!!....are making a difference in lives...........like Nicole...........read this.........and thanks to you all for your love and prayers for each other........as we all grow together in the Lord. We are seeing many examples right here at the Cup and KKIM of the Lord working in the lives of many people and brining them closer to God. PRAISE THE LORD!!!

I am so thankful for your emails and words.
The Lord has blessed me with such goodness through you and your family, friends and listeners. (THAT MEANS YOU, FOLKS)
Today is one of the first days in a long time that I have a positive attitude. The Lord is working on me.
Praise him!!!

Let us Pray...........

Dear Lord, Give us strength to continue on.........gives us wisdom...........let us be awesome witnesses for YOU. In the name of Jesus, AMEN



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